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2. The perceived conflict between religion and science has been standing for decades now; from lectures in ancient Greek pantheons to discussions in Internet forums. 14. In this article, I will try to weigh both sides. 27. And what are the positive effects of religion in our society? Are you a teacher? And when it gets suppressed, people don’t learn how use it. Religion plays a significant role in the society. We’ve discounted annual subscriptions by 50% for our End-of-Year sale—Join Now! 26. 13. the postive effects of religion is that it brings people together in a community, allows people to share a common goal of the relifion, makes them feel united, gives them something to believe in, provides meaning to life, explain any questions they may have, allows people to believe in something greater than themselves and lets people come together to worship one God Top subjects are Literature, History, and Social Sciences. Religion teaches us to be kind to others. Many religious institutions and organizations provide medical care and necessary services for people all over the world. Some religions require daily prayer that must occur within a given time frame. 8. The atheist writer Sam Harris has observed that, if a child dies, no humanist secular system can replace the certainty in the parents' minds that the child is in heaven with Jesus as a source of solace in their grief. There are many religions in the world namely Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Sikhism to … Some religions have a culture that turns a blind eye towards physical and/or sexual abuse. It is the binding fabric for the society and provides objectives to people in their lives. There are several positive effects of religion and religious observance. These effects are intergenerational, as grandparents and parents pass on the benefits to the next generations. One effect is that religious beliefs may serve as a moral compass for a person. Religious groups have been a driving force behind some progressive movements in history, including the abolitionist movement and the Civil Rights Movement. The hope for the afterlife can also be a source of comfort for people who have recently lost a loved one. 18. 23. 5. 19. In general, the hope for the afterlife makes death seem less frightening. Why is religion important in life, in the society, and in our country. While for almost a hundred years, churches have used various communication methods to reach their audiences, such as radio, television and online media, Gallup says that the halting of in … 21. Regardless of what religion people belong to, they experience the same benefits from having faith. While much evil has been done in the name of religion, religion has made many positive contributions to society. 7. Some people attest that it is religion that gives them the strength to keep going in life (“The Lord is my strength”). According to a Gallup report by Frank Newport "the most dramatic result (in religion) has been the exceedingly quick shift of religious services from in-person to online worship." 15. Observing a day of rest, called the Sabbath, may allow a person to spend more time with family and friends, as well as participate in some form of religious study. 4 Educator answers. This could include help dealing with poverty, mental illness, or homelessness. Religion’s Positive Effects on Mental Health For most practitioners, the stated purpose of most world religions usually goes something like this: To understand and improve the world On Monday’s program, Paul Solman will explore the religious diversity of the U.S. in a conversation with Robert Putnam, the co-author of a new book on religion in America. Near … There are 5 kind of psalms: praise, wisdom, royal, thanksgiving, lament. In it, they concluded that the origin of this collision actually begins as a conflict between two brain networks. Although there is no necessary link between religion and morality, people who believe that god is watching them and will judge them after death may be more inclined to refrain from antisocial behavior in situations when they could not be punished for it under the law. Some people find religious rituals to be very meaningful (e. g. praying the Rosary). Positive and negative impact of religion Religion provides belief to the people when they are down and out. Top subjects are Literature, History, and Business. The needy and poor get help in areas that are plagued by famine and poverty, where no else one would help. 23. What matters is not how religious or nonreligious you are; what matters is how you choose to make use of your religious views, whatever they may be. The religious view that “God has a plan for you” makes life seem less chaotic. Its most positive effects are encouraging charity and providing a stable community. But you don’t have to agree with me. For the individual, one of the main positive effects of religion is a sense of purpose, meaning, and justice in life. Go Deeper media 3. Observing a day of rest may also help a person recharge for the upcoming week. (In some parts of the world, that still happens.). And so, what should a LessWrongian do with respect to religious people? Religion may also provide structure in a person’s life. In the past, religious beliefs were used as a reason for executing or sacrificing people. Latest answer posted July 05, 2019 at 9:42:00 PM What are the possible positive benefits of following a religion? There are around 1 billion hindus and 376 million people living their life as buddhists. 2. 25. On one hand, those who saw religion as an esse… Religion reminds us that some things can never be known (“God only knows”), which can help to relieve anxiety. Third, even people who have not personally held deep religious beliefs, such as philosopher Thomas Hobbes, have seen the value of religion as a glue holding society together and a teacher of the positive moral and ethical values undergirding a stable culture. will help you with any book or any question. For the individual, one of the main positive effects of religion is a sense of purpose, meaning, and justice in life. 30. There are numerous other benefits to religion, such as community, shared values, encouraging positivity, and even simple enjoyment. Some religions have a long history of silencing and oppressing women. Being involved with religion and religious observance may allow a person to access community resources to help them if they need some kind of assistance. The idea of an afterlife increases this comfort, mitigating or even removing the fear of death. Minimizes violence and malpractices Most religions impart the teaching of peace and harmony. The Buddha is another example of a spiritual role model and teacher. Some religious people, inspired by their beliefs, refuse to accept sound medical advice. These naturally brings a sense of humbleness. Another value of religion … 24. Positive Impact of Religion. First, religious institutions have done a staggering amount of charitable work. Religion can help people come to terms with their own faults and shortcomings. An example would be the Catholic doctrine of the Virgin Birth of Christ, which — let’s be honest — is probably not true. 19. What are those positive effects? Early Christianity was much more supportive of women than were most other societies during that time period. Top subjects are History, Law and Politics, and Social Sciences. These facets can have a large positive impact on mental health— research suggests that religiosity reduces suicide rates, alcoholism and drug use. Impact of Christianity in respect of Education in Nigeria. 18. Other reviews also list the positive effects of religious belief and practice in reducing such problems as suicide, substance abuse, divorce, and marital dissatisfaction. Some religious groups place too much emphasis on following the letter of the law with regard to their rules, dress, rituals, etc. Religion can help people accept painful things about the world. 3. Beyond that, religion is used to teach morality. 4. On Heartbreak and Not Giving Up on Anybody, The Shared Burden that Blooms: Chronic Illness and the Ripple Effect, In fear and in hope: A Sufi response to the problem of evil. Religion has a history of resisting the development of science. 6. Religion provides a structure to time. Religion and spirituality are among the most important of cultural factors, giving structure and meaning to behaviors, value systems, and experiences. And, there is … The ideas expressed in the Ten Commandments would be an example of this. Some religious communities are very insular and fear the outside world. People who pray are healthier, less apt to do drugs, or even smoke cigarettes (Fisher, 2005). Most people want to believe that there is more to reality than just the physical, scientific universe, and religion teaches us that indeed, there is. Even today, it is religious groups who often spearhead and are at the front lines of programs to help those in need, opening homeless shelters and food banks to fill gaps in the social welfare state. It gives a meaningful purpose to everyday life. Religion has been the inspiration for much art and music over the centuries. What are the positive effects of religion? 6. When used properly, religion combats evil and despair in the world by providing morally upright leaders and teachers. M.A. Well, the first benefit of religion is that gives the access to the group of people who think similar to you and who believe in the same god as you. Sign up now, Latest answer posted September 15, 2011 at 6:35:26 PM, Latest answer posted July 05, 2019 at 9:42:00 PM, Latest answer posted September 09, 2016 at 3:04:22 PM, Latest answer posted November 11, 2015 at 7:15:35 PM, Latest answer posted August 08, 2019 at 6:46:54 AM. Religion allows people to believe they’ve been forgiven when they feel regret and remorse over things they’ve done wrong. Faith in divinity, regardless of a religion, is able to cause surprising positive effects on its bearers. The hope for the afterlife can be a source of comfort for people who are unhappy in life. In Christianity, some of Jesus’ teachings are rather extreme (e. g. “sell all that you have”). Since, most religions impart positive cultural habits, people live with a great responsibility even without the stringent application of the laws of the land. Religion provides us with role models (e. g. the saints). Religious people therefore have a source of comfort which is of a different kind that others find. That’s a pretty dark thing to believe. Religious beliefs may help a person navigate difficult times when sad or tragic events occur. For a society, religion can increase order and cohesion, giving people shared goals and values. In fact, most ancient societies based their worldviews on religion, and it has been proven to be beneficial to the attainment and maintenance of social stability and cohesiveness. In particular, believers have longer lives, lower blood pressure, and lower rates of … ©2020, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Last Updated by eNotes Editorial on December 4, 2020. Start your 48-hour free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q&A, and analyses you need to get better grades now. The most negative effects are a general mistrust of science, and the various irrationalities which are applauded by religion. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Religious teachings help people make decisions that differentiate right from wrong. The deep sense of community that one finds in religion is difficult to find anywhere else. 7. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, meaning worshipping many deities, and is regarded as the oldest religion. This often takes the form of belief in an afterlife, in which all the wrongs committed on earth will be judged and put right. Religion teaches people not to question things. 4. 25. Religion teaches us to forgive others. Religious institutions are responsible for establishing hospitals, schools, orphanages, prison visitation, and soup kitchens. I have compiled a list of some of the positive and negative effects of religion on people and on society. John Lennon’s song entitled “Imagine”,encourages the listener to think of a world where nationalities and religious do not exist,for history has shown us that so may wars have been fought in the name of nationality and religion. In a sometimes senseless world, this is vital, as it guides them and gives them something towards which to work. The impact of Christianity in Nigeria 1. Religion has played a role in many wars throughout world history. Christianity, as a book religion and as an institution concerned with moral life of the black people has made a significant contribution in the introduction and continued development of formal western education in Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa. Many times people have stated that their faith has helped them navigate troubling times. from Oxford University Ph.D. from St. Andrews University, Top subjects are Literature, History, and Law and Politics. This feeling of being the part of something greater than yourself, knowing that … So which is greater, the positive effects or the negative effects? are both very large religions with both positive and negative effects from their philosophies. 13. Well, it’s hard to say. 8/20/2017 3. Religion can be controversial, for sure, and there have been quite a few negative events done in the name of religion. 10 Photos That Show The Positive Role Religion Can Play In Our Lives These images showcase the joy, fellowship and inspiration that comes from faith. Some religions, especially the Catholic Church, have a long history of trying to suppress human sexuality, even when it’s completely normal and healthy sexuality. (But please note: if people didn’t have religion, I’m sure they would’ve found something else to start a war over.). Religious societies may also provide a sense of shared values providing social cohesion. 17. What is more, congruent findings were determined by a 2015 review examining over 3000 scholarly articles for the International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience, which found a “positive effect” of religion/spirituality on a variety of health outcomes, including: “minor depression, faster recovery from depressive episodes, lower rates of suicide, less use, abuse and … 11. 22. I’ll start with the negatives: 1. 17. 10. (This was Karl Marx’s criticism.). Some of its positive impact are as follows: Promotes Social Harmony . 20. Most of the patients—88%—were religious, and their resilience showed during treatment. Professor Jack and other collaborators conducted a study at the University of L’Aquila. Religion makes the concepts of right and wrong seem more palpable. Also, some religious people worry that they themselves might go to hell, which is a source of unnecessary anxiety in their lives (since, after all, hell is probably not real). All political issues that are important eventually affect individual and collective identity and in the process trigger religious … To put it in other words, while religion takes caution against the norms and the values related to globalization, it challenges the latter since it (religion) does not approve its hybridizing effects. What do most world religions have in common? Rather, they are caused by how people choose to use religion. Some religious groups go even further and claim that you have to belong to their religion to achieve salvation, which would imply that anyone who doesn’t belong to their religion would automatically go to hell. Does religion do more good or more harm for the world? There is evidence that religious people are less likely to commit suicide than nonreligious people. It is difficult to fight convictions which are not motivated by personal need or greed, but by deeply held beliefs that it is wrong to treat any person in a way you would not want to be treated. Second, religious groups have often peacefully advocated for social justice in ways that have brought needed change and protected the rights of the most vulnerable. Such people may have given up their wealth and worldly power to follow God but have become extraordinary role models who remain deeply inspiring to others. 20. Many religions teach that some people will go to hell after they die. That is a very irrational and self-destructive thing to believe. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF RELIGION 2. Religion has played an important role in human society for many years. Many holy books, including both the Bible and the Qur’an, contain some passages which are bizarre and violent and which have inspired some fundamentalists to commit bizarre and violent actions. This is what the study found. 16. 5. Thus, another positive aspect of religion is that a religion may provide "teachers" and role models whose life and teachings have been tested over a long period of history. Religion seems to have a variety of positive and negative effects. 16. On the other hand, war and conflicts are waged in the name of religion. Religion’s first intention is typically to give a purpose to humans. Religion is the origin of most of the world’s holidays, and holidays are fun. Many religions teach (or previously taught) that homosexuality is immoral. 1. 14. 12. This has been the subject of intense debate for centuries. Religion builds community. However, even religions which do not feature an afterlife teach that there is a god watching over the earth, preventing it from descending into chaos. However, what has become clear to me is that most of these effects, whether positive or negative, are not directly caused by religion. 10. Some very extreme religious groups believe that the end of the world is imminent and that we need to prepare for the end-times. However, at its heart, religion is intended for good. Positive effects of religion: Religion allows people to believe that their lives have a purpose. There are 4 kinds of prayer: adoration, contrition, thanksgiving,... What's the difference between Presbyterian and Baptist? In addition, religious practice can increase physical and mental health, longevity, and education attainment. Religion may have several positive effects. 21. The second reason and perhaps the most important reason why religion will always play a role in crucial issues is the important role that religion plays in identity formation. Religion allows people to believe that someone (God) understands them and loves them. 8. The positive effects of Religion have been mentioned as follows. It can add vitally important meaning and purpose beyond simply fulfilling one's own physical needs and cravings. Religion sometimes teaches people to accept injustice as God’s will, rather than to fight against it. Positive religious reframing can help people transcend stressful times by enabling them to see a tragedy as an opportunity to grow closer to a higher power or to improve their lives, as is the case with Bajwa. Religion sometimes encourages people to be ascetic and delay happiness until the afterlife, rather enjoying this life while we have it. Real teachers attitude of contempt towards people who are less religious done in world... Are intergenerational, as grandparents and parents pass on the government, refuse to accept sound medical advice the! Life as buddhists of charitable work values, encouraging positivity, and justice in life in it, they the. Lost a loved one s a pretty dark thing to believe subjects are Literature, history Law. 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