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.50: AP, M2 AND CARTRIDGE, CAL. The body is made of aluminum and brass. Those cartridges assembled with the M524 (A1, A2, A3, or A4) fuze are for use by the US Marine Corps and US Navy only. High explosive--M821, M889, M374-series, and M362. It has a time setting of up to 50 seconds. It can be fitted with either the M567, M524, or M532-series fuzes. The types of fuzes described in this paragraph are point detonating, proximity, mechanical time, multioption, and dummy. If he is not within 20 mils, the gunner and assistant gunner must make another large shift before moving on. (1) The M935 fuze has two function settings: impact and delay. Maximum Range (meters): 7,240 (with standard fuze) . The equipment is placed out the same as for the gunner's examination (Chapter 9). d. The first ammunition bearer stands to the right rear of the mortar. The squad leader notifies the FDC of the minimum mask clearance elevation. If it gets wet or dirty, it must be wiped off at once. This may cause the firing pin to ignite the charges if the cartridge is dropped on the fin end (. d. The M374A2, M374A1, and M374 HE cartridges are painted olive drab with yellow markings and are constructed from pearlitic malleable cast iron. News. c. The assistant gunner disengages the barrel clamps and moves the bipod from the immediate area of the mortar position. Do not burn increments in piles but spread them in a train 1 to 2 inches deep, 4 to 6 inches wide, and as long as necessary. Attached to the right of the screw is the traversing handwheel. Table 4-3. A locked padlock The removable increments are fitted onto or around the shaft, depending on their type. The M252 81mm Medium Extended Range Mortar is a crew-served, medium weight mortar which is highly accurate and provides for a greater range (4,500 meters to 5,650 meters) and lethality than the . As soon as the sight data are announced, the gunner places it on the sight, lays the mortar for elevation, and traverses onto the aiming post by turning the traversing handwheel and adjusting nut in the same direction. At the command, MARCH ORDER, the squad places the mortar, equipment, and ammunition in the squad vehicle and trailer. When firing under the control of an FDC, he reports to the FDC that mask clearance cannot be obtained at a certain elevation. (2) The breech plug is screwed tightly to the barrel. . Designed by Thingsym. c. Upon receiving the command REFER, REALIGN AIMING POST, two actions take place at the same time in the mortar squad. The cartridge is painted light green with black markings and one narrow brown band. Each cartridge weighs about 10 pounds and is provided with the M223 propelling charge, consisting of four horseshoe-shaped increments fitted around the tail. Upon completion of any bipod movement on the barrel, the gunner ensures that the firing pin recess is facing upward. Mount The propelling charge is contained in four horseshoe-shaped, felt-fiber containers or nine wax-tested, cotton cloth, bag increments. Trenches are dug to prevent water from flowing under the pile. The upper clamp is fitted with a locking arrangement that consists of a curved handle and a spring-loaded locking rod, which is ball-shaped at its lower end. 81-mm MORTAR, M252 The 81-mm mortar, M252, delivers timely, accurate fires to meet the . 1:4 For the 81MM Mortar System: X NSN (LIN): 1015-01-441-3113 : STAFF SECTION, CLEANING, ARTILLERY 1:4: Red phosphorus/white phosphorus--M819 and M375-series. If, upon removal of the safety wire, a buzzing sound in the fuze is heard, the round should not be used. The leg-locking handwheel must then be tightened by hand, ensuring the teeth on either side are correctly meshed. The mount consists of elevating and traversing mechanisms and a bipod (Figure 4-4). .30, BROWNING, M1919A4 AND M2 (HEAVY BARREL), .30, M2 (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1) (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), GUN, MACHINE: CAL. Since phosphorus liquefies at about 100 degrees Fahrenheit, the ammunition is protected against an uneven rehardening of the filler. Fuzes are not disassembled. When cartridges have been prepared for firing, but are not used, all powder increments and safety wires are replaced. e. Dummy. It weighs about 9.05 pounds. The propelling charge consists of an ignition cartridge and removable propellant increments. It engages the 1 3/4-inch flats on the setting ring or the fuze head. e. The gunner centers the elevation bubble. a. The mortar is mounted and the sight is installed. Placing the mortar in position at night does not relieve the gunner of the responsibility of checking for mask clearance and overhead interference. (2) Color code. He positions the lower barrel clamp against the lower stop band on the barrel and secures the upper barrel clamp. For those of you in the market for a Dummy/Display 81mm mortar, I hope this article can answer a few of your questions before you order. It uses the M772 mechanical time fuze and weighs about 10.6 pounds. They are fuzed with the M524-series, M256-series, or M532. If it is necessary to leave the ammunition uncovered, it should be raised on dunnage at least 6 inches above the ground. The M1 was a derivative of the French mle 27/31 system (itself an improved form of the Stokes Trench Mortar of World War 1 fame) and slightly altered to suit American needs. a. Point-Detonating. d. Climatic Effects. Other armies count on 81mm mortar families. Then it is removed from the bipod and laid horizontally on the ground at the dud pit until it can be turned over to ordnance personnel. Tabular Firing Tables TFT ORDER FORM 1.Select "Mortar" 2.Select which mortar caliber 3.Select mortar system nomenclature 4.Select which TFTs to order 5.Put in quantity and click "Add TFTs" 6.Click "Next" TFT JUSTIFICATION 1.Put in TFT Ordering Justification 2.Click "Next" SHIPPING INFORMATION 1.Fill out all required fields a. He lays for deflection, taking the proper sight picture. (1) Marking on container. b. OPERATOR`S MANUAL FOR MORTAR, 81-MM, M252 (NSN 1015-01-164-6651) (EIC 4SK){TM . The contents of ammunition containers are shown by markings. It uses the M185 propelling charge that consists of eight increments fitted into the spaces between the fins and held by a propellant holder. XM1210. Illuminating is used for battlefield illumination and signaling. Both legs are fitted with a disk-shaped foot with a spike beneath to prevent the mount from slipping. Weights (pounds) System (including basic issue items) Barrel (with blast attenuator device) Mount M3A1 Baseplate The fuzes may be used for day or night operations. The first ammunition bearer shakes the barrel to dislodge any remnants from the last round fired, and he lowers the barrel into the rotating socket of the baseplate. The firing pin must be replaced and the bore swabbed. Several types of RP/WP ammunition are described herein. (c) The gunner determines mask and overhead clearance by sighting along the barrel with his eye near the breech plug. He is also the squad driver. It can be set from 3 to 55 seconds at half-second intervals. (2) The ribs and braces have no breaks, cracks, or dents. HE ammunition is used against personnel and materiel. The second page includes a chart with range and deflection (presumably for the same kind of shells), as well as notes which give additional instructions. The 81-mm mortar, M252, is a smooth-bore, muzzle-loaded, high-angle-of-fire weapon. Developed by Hirtenberger Defence Systems (HDS), the rugged and reliable M8 comprises an 81 mm long-range weapon available in different barrel lengths, an entire range of ammunition, auxiliary field equipment, sighting systems and a fully digital fire-control system containing all ballistic data. (5) Four inches of elevation shaft are exposed, and the shaft is not bent. System (including basic issue items) He places firing data on the sight and lays the mortar for deflection and elevation. Cartridges assembled with the M532 fuze must be fired above charge 0. The powder increments, mainly, should not be exposed to direct sunlight. b. b. The ignition cartridge has a percussion primer and is assembled to the end of the fin assembly. The 81mm mortar is a portable, mobile, medium mortar at the infantry's disposal. When targets are beyond such irregularities, a clearance of at least 30 meters should be allowed to ensure maximum effect over the target area. After the mortar is mounted, the gunner makes a thorough check. Identification. At extreme temperatures (below -40 degrees Fahrenheit and above 125 degrees Fahrenheit), it is not unusual to experience an increase in malfunctions proportionate to the severity of conditions. It is especially useful if the baseplate sinks deep into the ground during prolonged firing. Check the post SOP before applying the following procedure: (1) Select a place at least 100 meters from the mortar position, parked vehicles, and ammunition piles. The barrel clamps are then closed. The M889 HE cartridge (M252 onlyXUS Marine Corps) is of the same construction as the M821 cartridge in every detail except the fuze, which is the M935. The M374 cartridge is fitted with the M90 propelling charge. a. Cartridges are shipped with a complete propelling charge, an ignition cartridge, and primer. (4) Extra increments are removed if the cartridge is to be fired with less than full charge. d. The gunner rough levels the cross-level bubble by making the bubble bounce from one side to the other. They should not be approached for 5 minutes or disturbed for at least 30 minutes after firing. It is set using the bladed end of the M18 fuze wrench. Excess increments should not accumulate near the mortar positions but are removed to a designated place of burning and destroyed. The first ammunition bearer puts both hands on the cooling fins under the barrel and slowly lifts the barrel until it is horizontal. The principal factors affecting height of burst are the angle of approach to the target and the reflectivity of the target terrain. An internal clock mechanism provides nine seconds of safe air travel (610 to 2,340 meters along trajectory for charge 0 through 9, respectively). It can provide all-weather, ground-based, close supporting, accurate, immediately M3A1 Baseplate That is generally how I use mortars. Increments removed from cartridges before firing should be placed in a metal or wooden container located outside the firing vehicle/position at least 25 meters away. He releases the securing strap, loosens the leg-locking handwheel, and lowers the plain leg until the locating catch engages in the recess. Once set to act as an impact fuze, the mechanism cannot be reset for PROX. Complete cartridges are always handled with care. a. .50 MACHINE GUN, M55 AND MACHINE GUN, CAL. c. Mechanical Time. Joint Tables of Allowance; PB - Professional Bulletins; STP - Soldier Training Publications; TC - Training Circulars; . When the baseplate is in position, the first ammunition bearer lowers the breech plug into the rotating socket and rotates the barrel a quarter of a turn to lock it. The first ammunition bearer holds the barrel until the assistant gunner has removed the mount. The cannon has a crew-removable breech plug and firing pin. Lock 81mm 120mm 60mm . Each round is stenciled with the ammunition lot number, type of round, type of filler, and caliber. M120/M121 120 mm Mortar. The M751 is fitted with a smoke charge that operates on impact. The superior flow characteristics of these BALL POWDER . It uses the M219 propelling charge and weighs about 9.1 pounds. If the primer is not dented, the round may be used again. The adjustment ring has six raised ribs for use in conjunction with fuze setter, M25, and a setting indicator rib (marked SET) about half the height and width of the other six ribs.

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81mm mortar range table